Thursday, May 1, 2008


Ione Junior High School - www.amadorcoe.org450 S Mill St, Ione - (209) 257-5500

Ione Elementary School - www.ioneelementary.com415 S Ione St, Ione - (209) 257-7000

Foothill Indian Education Alliance - S Sacramento, Ione - (209) 274-0296

Head Start Pre-School‎ - 108 W Marlette St, Ione, CA, (209) 274-0395‎

State of California: Preston School of Industry‎ - 201 Waterman Rd, Ione, CA, (209) 274-8000‎

However, there are no high schools in Ione, but there are two about 15 minutes away

Amador High School - 330 Spanish StreetSutter Creek, California 95685

Argonaut High School - 217 Rex AveJackson, California 95642

2006 API (Base) : 773
Here: 773.0
State average from 2006 schools: 764.9

Statewide Rank: 6

2007 API Target: 778

A little API score history:

Schoolwide or LEA-wide ELA Percent of students scoring Proficient or Above: 47.5%
Here: 48%

State average from 1973 schools:
46%Schoolwide Math Percent of students scoring Proficient or Above: 50.0%
Here: 50%

State average from 1973 schools:
55%ELA Percent of students scoring Proficient or Above Hispanic: 27.1% (13 proficient out of 48)
Here: 27%

State average from 1910 schools:
37%Math Percent of students scoring Proficient or Above Hispanic: 33.3% (16 proficient out of 48)
Here: 33%

State average from 1911 schools:
47%ELA Percent of students scoring Proficient or Above White: 50.7% (138 proficient out of 272)
Here: 51%

State average from 1730 schools:
57%Math Percent of students scoring Proficient or Above White: 52.8% (143 proficient out of 271)
Here: 53%

State average from 1731 schools:
62%ELA Percent of students scoring Proficient or Above Socioeconomic Disadvantaged: 24.0% (23 proficient out of 96)
Here: 24%

State average from 1913 schools:
35%Math Percent of students scoring Proficient or Above Socioeconomic Disadvantaged: 37.5% (36 proficient out of 96)
Here: 38%

State average from 1915 schools:
46%ELA Percent of students scoring Proficient or Above English Learner: 0.0% (0 proficient out of 17)
Ione Elementary: 0%

State average from 1850 schools:
33%Math Percent of students scoring Proficient or Above English Learner: 17.6% (3 proficient out of 17)
Ione Elementary: 18%

State average from 1849 schools:
46%ELA Percent of students scoring Proficient or Above Students with Disabilities: 25.8% (8 proficient out of 31)
Here: 26%

State average from 1870 schools:
22%Math Percent of Students with Disabilities scoring Proficient or Above: 41.9% (13 proficient out of 31)
Here: 42%

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